CTM-Benin Appreciates President Talon’s Decision

The recent move by H.E Patrice Talon, President, Republic of Benin to waive visas for the Chinese nationals, the leading tourism organization in the country, the Consortium Touristes Par Millions Au Benin issued a statement appreciating the move by the President which it believed would create a greater synergy between the two countries and also advance tourism business in the country.

Amb. Dine Bouraima, President Consortium Touristes Par Millions Au Benin
The statement signed by its President, Dine Bouraima reads:
“The Consortium Tourists by the Millions in Benin (CTM Benin) takes note with interest of President Patrice TALON’s decision to waive visas for Chinese nationals wishing to visit Benin, starting from September 2, 2023.
“This decision strengthens our relations and boosts tourism in Benin. Furthermore, it demonstrates President TALON’s commitment to the development of tourism and cultural exchanges. This measure will, therefore, encourage deeper mutual cultural understanding, thus promoting trade and investments.
“Therefore, CTM Benin commends this noble decision as it positions Benin as an attractive tourist destination in Africa”.
You will recall that President Talon was on a courtesy call to China where he had many bilateral discussions with President Chin Ji Pin of China and further indicated the possibility of waving visas for the Chinese nationals arriving Benin Republic starting from September 2nd, 2023.